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Nanomehr in 15th National congress on quality Improvement in clinical laboratories
This congress, aimed at promoting science and ameliorating laboratory services, will be convened in 4 days, April 20th-23rd, 2017, in Milad Tower International Conference Hall. Nanomehr ltd, will be collaborating in 2 scientific axes and inaugurating a prenatal screening workshop. All colleagues and associates are hereby called upon to partake in and benefit from the desirable outcomes of the scientific expertise and workshop. ...
 7th training workshop on the subject of prenatal screening in 2017 in Tehran
Nanomehr held its 7th training workshop on the subject of prenatal screening in 2017 in Tehran. The advent of Alpha comprehensive prenatal screening software in Iran gets back to establishment of Nanomehr in 2004. Now, this company is the exclusive agent of the largest reference to the prenatal screening named Alpha, a screening software having analyzed 12million pregnant mothers in 51 countries and has nearly 700 active users in Iran. Since 2004, continuous trainings in the field of prenatal screening and the way of using Alpha software has been high on the Nanomehr agenda, and under agreements with Alpha, free and lifetime aftersales services have been available for its users. In 2016 and 2017, 7th prenatal screening workshops have been held in different cities including Qom, Esfahan, Shiraz, Hamedan, and so on. The most recent one held on the first of March in 2017 was in Tehran. Workshop topics: -History and expressions of Prenatal screening. -The screening in the first a ...
15th National congress on quality Improvement in clinical laboratories
It is an honour for us to invite you at 15th National Congress On quality Improvement in Clinical Laboratories. The venue of the exhibition is in Milad tower- Milad conference center. The exhibition will be held on 20-203 April, 2017. This exhibition will surely benefit the visitors who look for new things in the field of medicine We will be pleased to see your presence in the exhibition. ...
18th Annual Congress of pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Hello dear users Nanomehr company has created its Telegram channel in order to give you labratory news about kits, prenatal sceerinig ,and its new products. Please join the channel and know every thing about prenatal screening. You can also connect us better and tell us your critics ,suggestions and problems about prenatal screening. The address is ...
International Genetics Congress
The members of Nano Mehr  want to give you something: It is our great honour and pleasur to invite you on behalf of Nano Mehr company to participate at National Congress of Genetics held in Conferance center of Shahid Beheshti University ,May 21-23,2016. We hope we can welcome you at this event and look forward to seeing you there. Nano Mehr is located at :Pavilion C8. Best regards, People and Organizaton Of Nano Mehr, Iran. ...
A very thank to our visitors
Dear labratorians, Thanks for visiting our pavilion in the National Congress on Quality Improvement in Clinical Laboratories. Your peresence gives us the new hope to further community health level more and more. Just like how all trees need water to grow and all humans need air to live, companies need loyal coustomrs like you to prosper. We hope to see you again on the International Genetic Congress People and organization of Nanomehr, Iran.   ...
Congress Invitation
Dear quests, It is our pleasure to invite you to visit our pavilion in  The 9th International & 14th National Congress on Quality Improvement in Clinical Laboratories on the 19th April 2016 (31st Farvaedin 1395)  in Razi International Convention Center_Tehran. (Located at: First floor-pavilion 17) Best regards, People & Organisation of Nano Mehr Iran,     ...
Happy new year
Faith makes all things possible, Hope makes all things work, Love makes all things beautiful, i hope have all the three for this New Year . ! Happy New Year ...
Software updates and installing version 58 of alpha
It is notable for all software users of Alpha that the 58 version of this software provided with the contingent screen is ready for update and installation .For more information please contact our Alpha support service with the telephon numbers 88339891-92 . ...

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